Awesome Great Barrier Reef

Hey guys going right now to the reef. So, I’m going to be diving, and bloging the Great Barrier Reef here’s where I am now and, I’m going out here trying to find my boat now I did boat, I’m going on I got my dive gear for later as you know this is old costume ooh okay, and probably the next one enough are one we’ve reached the great vital services here that are happy trotting to the Eastern Star Trista’s can you feel that were left to make a sub leave service but. So so excited look at that water I don’t know if you can tell in the post. But it is so clear to see the reefs yellow blue, I’m getting. So excited about to put our diving gear on now really the water is so so blue, and clear, and looks like school, and dusting the country alone guy working here said that he’s been working on the reef for seven years, and this is the best facility that you reach the best office that my god go right I hope somehow they’re gonna help us put on first if you turn can you see all right guys go back dive left first I still kind of nervous, and I just want to kind of breathe normally, and I felt like I couldn’t I have to get used to it a little bit. But once I did it was awesome down there, and swimming in the reef, and you can feel like you’re a part of it all, and it was so amazing you’re going to go down for a second dive and, I’ll be able to bring the GoPro, and show you guys top.

Awesome Great Barrier Reef Photo Gallery

So many fish cause you know you go down on the second side now he follows it on really heavy, and you like barely stand up for myself you can’t take your camera down first time. So, I’m getting camera down on this side until you guys boys all down there all the faith bears in this ocean come together making memories emotions is it a little – hey second guys I live from my Mac, and everything is so colorful I shall I guess in hi I think that, I’m going to go for you just got out of the water snorkeling for a long time I felt. So relaxing the water is such a good temperature think now we’re going to head back and, I’m just relaxing on the boat for now looking down at this gorgeous water back from the snorkeling trip. So glad that I went. So if any of you guys are interested in going like the prices, and everything like that then they really seem to differ. So I would recommend doing some research online, and it really depends on what you want to do I did those snorkeling, and two dives. So the first flippin introductory dives I’ve never done one before, and then the second one I had to pay fifty extra the whole tour was, and forgetting the exact number I don’t want to tell you guys the wrong thing tell you to put it in the post, and also you have to pay a $20 reef tax all of this is in Aussie dollars not US dollars. So, I’m going to add up the turtle, and have it right here right now for guys that’s just what I paid.

But it really really makes the difference what you decide to do definitely highly recommended of course sunburn like. So exhausted. But just. So amazing back from the Barrier Reef of course this doesn’t look like a reef to you got a little photo sunburned today. But definitely worth it even my fingers look sunburned I just want to tell you more of the story of the dive, and the reef, and everything. Because it’s kind of hard to post it all when you’re in the middle of it you know going down, and you don’t want to get this camera wet, and then the boats loud, and you want a normal you don’t want to be just attached to your cameras on whole time. So anyway on the way to the reef we had kind of a crash course in scuba diving, and it was a little intimidating.

Because it was way more complex than I had somehow imagined that it would be they put all of the scuba gear on you they helped, and it is so heavy. But then as soon as you get in the water of course all the weight just goes away you go down in the water really slowly, and they really take their time, and make you relax, and everything every few feet that you go down it might not seem like a lot like two or three feet. But every two or three feet that you go down you just feel the pressure in your head your eyes for me mostly my ears, and it can be pretty intense, and then it’s a little scary when you feel the pressure it’s like a few feet down, and you look down you still have. So far to go that was a little intimidating for me they have tricks to release the pressure it is kind of weird breathing underwater it was difficult to breathe normally, and then also actually to remember to breathe they kept telling us before we went down remember to breathe don’t hold your breath remember to breathe remember to breathe, and I was like course we will breathe. But it’s kind of instinct like once you’re down. So far under the water that you just your body wants to hold your breath.

So you kind of have to think about breathing a lot more than you normally would. But on again you just get used to it anyway yeah the fish were amazing I felt like I part of the reef at some point I’d be swimming you know like through kind of a forest of coral also brightly colored, and then you look up at the surface the Sun is just glittering slanting down through the water in these beams of light really nice like rippling light effect, and then the fish are swimming through it the fish are swimming above you beside you underneath you. So you just feel like you’re another fish, and you belong there maybe this will be a new sport that I end up really loving it’s like the most relaxing, and also challenging thing I don’t know you just have to do it if you guys have dives anywhere let me know in the comments I want to know more about it I want to know your experiences anyway great great day today now kind of packing getting ready to leave Cairns tomorrow for a flight to Brisbane. So that’s my next city in Australia hope you guys enjoyed my adventures, and the Great Barrier Reef in in Cairns and, I’m going to see you next time in Brisbane thanks for reading bye.

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