Azerbaijan Metro Map

In a climate of hysteria, intolerance, and superstition, Azerbaijan Metro Map the In the last half of September, 1889 she came down with a slight fever. Initially Maggie thought nothing of it, believing it to be a little virus. By the second week she was very ill with increased nausea, high fever, and chills. Maggie was diagnosed with typhoid malaria fever, a severe illness that combines the symptoms of malaria and typhoid fever. She struggled for five weeks, eventually succumbing to her illness in late October. Maggie was just 22 years old.

Another death at the hotel was that of Margaretta Wechsler, mother of Kate Hammerbackin. Kate’s husband, Andrew, was hotelkeeper at the Arlington. Margaretta, known to most as Maggie, helped out as the housekeeper. Gentle and kind, with a quirky sense of humor, she was loved by all who knew her. Even with a weak heart caused by rheumatic fever, she still diligently went about her daily tasks. Sadly, she passed away in mid-April of 1910, from rheumatic heart failure. Maggie was 64 years old. Her passing was mourned by many.

The final piece of evidence was the voice of a young child, “See the chair.” We began a lengthy quest to find some reference to a child or children who may have died at the hotel. If so, was it possible a chair held some significance to that child?

Researching this aspect of the story was not the easiest thing we’ve ever done. Weeks were spent searching through census, birth and death records, newspaper archives and communicating with people connected to the Arlington Hotel. That’s how we found Eldon.

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