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The acts of the conference are of great value as an authentic account of the situation of the rival N African churches at the start of the 5th c., and they throw an interesting light on the administrative procedures of the Roman government in the West. COLLATIO LEGUM. Collection of Mosaic and Roman laws, compared in order to show the greater antiquity of the former and hence the truth of Christianity, which refers to them, against the claims to greater antiquity advanced by pagan legal science. The biblical text is cited according to an otherwise unknown version of the LXX; the Roman laws are taken from the works of ancient jurists ps.-Paul, ps.-Ulpian, Modestinus, Papinian and Gaius, the Codex Gregorianum, and the Codex Hermogenianum and imperial decrees. Its 16 chapters each relate to a legislative problem, generally criminal: this must have constituted book I of the work, which presumably contained others see Hincmar of Reims, De div. Loth. et Tetb., interr. XII, resp.: PL 125, 697B. The collection, known as Lex Dei or Mosaicarum et Romanarum legum collatio, was probably composed in the late 4th or early 5th c. Its author is still unknown, despite numerous hypotheses incl. Ambrose and Ambrosiaster. It has also been hypothesized that the work was composed in a Jewish context in the early 4th c.

Maroon communities were commonly located in the mountains of North Carolina, marshes along the southern Atlantic coast, and the Great Dismal Swamp, a wetland on the Virginia/North Carolina border. Benin Subway Map The harshness of these environments, along with constant harassment from white militias, made it difficult for maroons to establish permanent settlements. Most were forced to move constantly and survive on food and supplies that they or their friends had stolen from nearby settlements. For a number of African Countrys, however, living as free people in the wilderness was better than living as slaves on the plantation. The success or failure of maroon communities was partly determined by whether local Native Countrys chose to help them, ignore them, or side with whites against them. In some cases, maroons settled in Native Country villages and became valued members of their societies. The most famous example of this occurred in the 1750s when a group of fugitive slaves and Creek Indians fled from Georgia to northern Florida and joined with natives in a biracial society known as the Seminole (from the Creek word for runaway). Combining Native Country knowledge of the land with West African agricultural and military techniques, the Seminole successfully resisted white encroachment for nearly a century. Another successful maroon community was established near Savannah during the Revolution, when several hundred maroons formed an alliance with the British Army and waged a guerrilla war against the colonists from their large stockaded village.

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