Best Travel Destinations While Pregnant

Best Travel Destinations While Pregnant

Our interracial marriage provided one more statistic. I had, thereby, become a statistic. I found that a good way to check for black-white marriages – or, the immersion rate of blacks into the host society -was to check primarily at intersections; but, the movement on the city streets of people, generally, was also a great way.

In the early 1980s, the incidence of seeing a black person or mixed couple – whether walking or driving – was very low; and, indeed, my wife and I stood out; but, we loved each other; so, it did not matter to us; neither did the stares nor what anyone might have thought.

For sure, I was no gigolo; for, I was making over CAN$40,000 a year from teaching alone. I had, my big, brown brougham LTD Ford car; wore nice three piece suits and the best brand name shoes; and, she had no money, no career other than that of dedicated housewife; and, no possessions, her main assets being her ability to cook and clean and work tirelessly.

Best Travel Destinations While Pregnant Photo Gallery

To this, add her enviable typing speed; her honesty, sincerity, caring, compassion; her great singing voice, great love of music and dancing; her open-mindedness; her willingness to learn and to better her education; and, you have Barb, a great woman.

And, standing and walking tall beside such a great white woman was this 6-foot-2 black man who yearned to see the world with her. However, our travel together outside Canada was by way of several road trips far as Buffalo, USA, only.

A planned trip together to Jamaica – where she had honeymooned with her first, (WASP) husband -ended up with her going, with my blessing, with a black girlfriend.

She ended up going with me to the Federal Bank of Canada in search of funding for our Smiles magazine. We thought that we had made the right choice of venture capital company. Canada had about fifty at the time. We thought we had been meticulous in doing our due diligence; but, our hopes to raise the funds we needed were dashed when we found out that the company we had chosen was running a scam operation.

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