Come on you guys we have to start the cut the post in the car. Because it is so windy out there. So windy I think all night my tent was kind of like on me like super windy I think it’s the water yeah I don’t know it’s so windy we can’t even have breakfast here just.


Because it’s way too windy we’re going out breakfast we’ve arrived at the Seward waterfront with Burke. Because this is a big boating kind of fishing town, and we are going to go, and hopefully see one of these I really hope we see that’s really asking too much I don’t even know what season they come out they’re the two I’ve always wanted to see speaking of, and action this is really cool we had our first like animal sighting just before, and it was a humpback whale, and it was kind of playing around it was like smacking the its tail. So yeah the whale was spouting water, and it was going it was spouting rainbow water of another animal just a minute ago another humpback someone’s feeling a bit sick are you feeling you like some lunch it’s a bit windy the making some ice glacier margaritas with some of the ice they ship we spotted a pack of orcas, and we’re just trying to get close enough to see them someone looks happy knows the first time we’ve ever seen walkers that was really awesome my favorite animal.

So we’re heading back home like the audience this is our life camping trying to find power to keep up with you guys this is just the of events okay a tree we’re making some s’mores there’s mine, and I did it it is like midnight do you think it seems to be the common trait without trips here in Alaska. But today was really awesome going on that cruise I’ve never seen any whales in the wild before besides gray whales, and we got to see humpback, and killer whale which is cool. Because they told my favorite animals we got to see glacier really close up that like national path we went through was really really pretty it’s like cruise lease from Seward, and it’s about like it takes the whole we were there like four five hours five six hours includes like you put your lunch on there, and everything. But, I’m tomorrow we’re doing a very good hike.

So we are excited yes they said it’s one of the best hikes that we do on the trips are really looking forward to it good night guys it was he drove.

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