
And welcome. I don’t know what, this is needed’ move to the UK. And realize that they love their biscuits yeah me too yeah, you really do so.

I wanted to try a lot of them that’s what we’re doing today. I’m gonna Laura hello. And she’s going to be my cocoa taster her British taster, you have experience with all this many sweets.


So you’ve presented the biscuits all right let’s get me right cookies are those things with like chocolate chips in them yeah these are biscuits all right okay yeah we’re clean leave a like a British classic like and, you have them from like day one of being born a baby born in British tops jaffa cakes which seem to be everywhere, you go here are these. I have heard of these jammie Dodgers these are my favorite I’m so excited yes, this is Laura’s contribution or butter shortbread biscuits cuz.

I felt like, you can’t come to England. And not have short right fig rolls keeping with the like fruity the hognose of tea ooh nice empty with new covered in chocolate which are very nice toffee parts which never hurt them. So know where, you coming from these good old classics.

I just did. I’m looking for Caffrey’s chocolate as well doesn’t just people out by an American company carries the jam. And cream oh another one with Jay meanest.

And clueless alright shall we does it easy Zoe is hungry. We’ll start off with a custard cream, this is one thing that’s gonna go really wrong today as well eating on a severe extreme dipper, it’s good they’re very dicta fly have a couple. And you’ll get into the swing of things.

I love this ah a little hard to the middle of them. I want. I want the look of ecstasy on my face right now.

I’m amazing mm-hmm like giant donut some biscuits raspberry favorite Apple mmm Oh big rolls were getting bunch of good ol Figaro not chalice is the best taste test come on Heather awkward. I’ve already started okay today hearty halti probably buckwheat is way to the son of a biscuit. And IVs no big roll, it’s very hearty, it’s like a melon or biscuits the ultimate oh.

I mean, it’s okay. I’m just like saving myself for, you just don’t like it admit it, you don’t like a British classic saving myself toppy Bob what the hell are these and. I just are, you tonight they are really nice they’re very much like Rocky’s.

I think caramel Rockies or twixes Oh almost exactly like a Twix so much sassier name now these. I have to admit these are my least favorite.

I thought it was choice of eating like a sandwich or breaking it in two. So, you get one with the cream. And one with the gooey bell, it’s really pretty yeah these are like a mixture of the DAP jammie Dodgers.

And the custard creams in one cookie no a compromise between the two these are different these are definitely different yeah mmm like them no in my hair top knob. So like the suggestion ah oh oh oh oh are they don’t like prefer the ODE eNOS over the good. I knew, you would yeah.

I just knew it because you’re like healthy like that, you drive for the oats over the party shirt oh, it’s not really the same agree, but justice without the chocolate are still great hot helps without the chocolate yeah yeah yeah, you gotta point them to food job Brett what we loves it. And part of me thinks, it’s the most boring biscuit in the world these are like fancy ones as well why. I got award winning the skits for this post like.

I feel very honored Oh much hotter than eyeball that babe they’re also really pungent oh. I think of the best reaction from biscuit. I’ve ever seen what’s up with these they were sitting on the Shelf of coughs cutter none of these ingredients are English stuffing Wow we really didn’t like that okay that’s eye-opener Dean biscuit test.

I hang it over them punchin, you it looked just like a. I cookie oh. I can eat something most unique.

I think they’re different thank, you they’re very squishy they’re really spongy these are actually kind of not marketed, but, it’s like if you want to be skating, you don’t want like a really really fat one these ones like meant to be better ones they taste like a Terry’s chocolate orange on top of a stale angel food cake whoa wait a Senate which was your favorite now think. I’m gonna trees, you know. I guess your favorite yeah.

I think it is oh, it’s like us to Korea is it. I’m already happy, you said that. I like the vanilla simplicity of boringness then no, it’s this scale the simplicity.

I like the top epochs. I really like talkies. I think.

I’m gonna be the good old Caffrey’s digestive biscuits – yeah don’t remember what. I don’t know. I like them all awesome well guys.

So much for reading. And for little for joining me on this biscuity adventure having me whoever to eat eat we also did a post over on Laura’s blog. So go check it out.

And comment to her because she’s somebody’s having an awesome. And likes to pee this pic with me and, this is my awkward dance yeah alright thanks for reading guys and. I will see, you next time bye why Oh God haha the house to myself this never happened no it genuinely never happened.

I have five roommates. And welcome to my how to Travel Guide budgets Edition part. ?

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