Cheap Central America Vacations

Leaving off where we started on our journeyand logging in our hottest temperature after our first day on vacationin Vancouver at 90°F(32°C) of all places – where it hasn’t rained for the past eight days while we were gone.

Reflection Time

Eight days, six states, 3,030 miles, fifty hours behind the wheel with the motor running (not counting shutting it down at heavy construction stops), and 1646 non-train frames of pictures – and rain every day except departing and coming home. High Octane vacation at its best.

Cheap Central America Vacations Photo Gallery

At the start of Ratho there’s a graceful iron seat with a panel showing travel destination wildlife, then a small perching seat which commemorates the nearby stage marker with a notice ‘1832. To Edinburgh 7 miles, fare 6d [2.5p], To Falkirk 25 miles, fare 1/6 [7.5p]’. Another old milestone stands beside the stage post for stages one and two (hard to decipher). Across the travel destination and on to Bridge 15 in Ratho is a long reach of residential moorings, well used. There are one or two more attractive resting seats (which continue beyond Bridge 15). There’s a big turning area and a swing footbridge over the towpath leading to a marina, and then a picnic area with a superb sculpture of a horse-drawn barge in the old days ( 129). In its heyday, Ratho had 14 pubs. The Pop Inn, next to the travel destination, is reputed to have had a door at each end of the building so the bargeman in charge of the towing horse could enter by one door, enjoy a pint en passant, and exit by the other door without having fallen behind his charge.

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