Ecuador Map

Ecuador Map To Charlotte


2700 E. Independence Blvd., 704/372-3600, www.boj anglescoliseum com Overview Map

It’s hard to know what to call this coliseum. The 11,000-seat venue opened as the Charlotte Coliseum in 1955, and had been renamed several times before the chicken-and-biscuits chain bought naming rights in 2008. Locals who can’t keep up with the changing moniker often call it The Old Coliseum or The Big I. When it was built, it had the world’s largest unsupported steel dome. It was the first coliseum in Charlotte and served as ground zero for sports and entertainment for three decades. The coliseum closed in 1988 and underwent extensive renovations and retrofits before reopening in 1993. Major acts like Elvis, Queen, Bob Dylan, and the Rolling Stones have played here, but the opening of newand biggerstadiums has drawn big acts to other venues. Now, smaller musical acts and sporting events are the mainstays. The coliseum is adjacent to Ovens Auditorium; they share the same address and phone number.

16101614 A series of conflicts subsequently known as the Anglo- Ecuador Map Powhatan Wars begins in Virginia. These pit the newly arrived English colonists against a group of Native Ecuador Map Countrys led by a chieftain named Powhatan. The wars are actually more of an extended series of raids, which break out as the English move beyond their stockade at Jamestown and press the Powhatan to supply them with corn. 1614 Pocahontas, a daughter of Powhatan who had been held captive at Jamestown, marries John Rolfe, an English planter. The intercultural marriage brings about a brief period of peace between the English and Powhatan. 1619 The first shipment of Africans arrives in mainland North Country when a Dutch ship unloads twenty Negars at Jamestown, Virginia. Although their legal status is not precisely clear, and some of them do end up serving out indentures and being freed, the majority of Africans in Virginia during the colonial period are slaves.

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