So settle down settle down Hey from chiang mai thailand it is just about 6 o’clock in the morning its Sun is up in Thailand, and it’s already about 85 degrees Fahrenheit don’t know about that warm weather makes you just feel good. But no this is day 1 this is the first full day, and Thailand introductions are always good especially at the start post you never know who’s reading post you could be new to the blog my name is Eric I travel the world, I’m a r based in New York City, and these posts we’re going to explore Thailand the reason, I’m in Thailand it’s for. So Chron which is this huge water festival, and that is happening today. But before that let’s get some breakfast, and coffee whereas a temple called door suit tip, and this temple I’ve never seen a place like this and, I’m so fascinated by the temple was out in Asia just. Because it’s so you know in the States we don’t have anything like this one we don’t have anything that’s old there’s lots of energy coming from this place it’s very you feel almost inspired being here it took an hour car ride to the top of this hill, and normally on a clear day you can see the city bus. Because it’s the middle of their summer time April May or the hottest months of the year in Thailand.


So you cannot see anything there’s just a thick blanket of haze covering a Chiang Mai a bit more about this trip. So, I’m out here with the Thailand Tourism Board posting drone post for them. So I just wanted to join up, and had amazing shots over the temple this is Bo this is my production assistant flash guide for my time in Thailand what’s the reason why I have to wear the pants. Because this is a respectful place and, I’m very good girl really. So going to the temple I have to put these pants on. Because you cannot have your knees showing impression of a beard it alright let’s go inside the temple this huge gold relic apparently contains buddha’s bones that are now crystallized I’ve never seen something. So impressive in my whole life just the detail that went into this today is the day of temple in Thailand this temple behind me is over a thousand years old look at this door every little inch of this place is covered in artwork, and the detail is just.

So fine, and intricate also now it’s about midday getting very very toasty here in Thailand what would you say a hundred degrees we just warm again we have ieft hi coffee here it’s very commanding voice fresh down the watermelon watermelon smoothie this is exactly what I mean is that mango no this is this woman oh look what the in the system yes the cause um goes yeah oh my gosh it’s so good mango in a coconut oh my god we’re new in stores right now okay alright. So we’re driving close let me shut this window quiet we’re driving now back into the old city of Chiang Mai and, I’m going to do some quick intros to the rest of the teammates you guys been just patch on the camera, and go from the ashes are water on the lens there is yeah yeah there there’s own crazy. But yes intro, I’m going to roll out hi, I’m Cameron with Darren Cullen I also make daily travel posts kind of yes yeah I Manson rolls like we’re all here in Thailand to gather be kind of mad yesterday even though I knew both you guys were beforehand I feel like it’s kind of the. So did you yeah totally did you travel with John Nelson in the Mafia oh yeah judge it was crazy that look of me I feel like a lot of these kind of media trips tours, and boards are set up like reality TV shows where you’re living well things are gonna still I now we’re going to go into the old city, and get some water guns, and shoot each other, and also I want to mention before, I’m not going to bring this big camera when the actually gets heavy. Because this thing’s not is like a $6,000 camera. So I have this waterproof LG at g6 phone, I’ll be feeling a lot of the water gun action on this guy oh my gosh stone Kron has begun look at the madness look at this girl was changing my back Wow laughing you’re like Utica tomorrow no camera no camera or no camera yeah if I see you I swear and, I’m due to look again, I’ll get you back you cannot go on the streets without getting wet I thought he was going to douse me which is cool. But this camera it’s not my camera.

So this is awesome though happy new year we have arrived at yes again another beautiful temple I cannot wait till tomorrow tomorrow is the day when we’re actually going into the festival. But until then we’re going to capture some more drone footage of the temple take some more photos we can’t go to negative apparently okay I got a post to pick up at this box come over this way. So last night we were at dinner, and there’s this group of girls the whole time, I’m taking a selfie, and I guess it’s a thing maybe in Thailand people are selfie obsessed here in Thailand even I want to point the camera this way not to creepily. But there’s a girl who’s been taking selfies for the past 30 minutes the Tourism Board has more less hired us to create drone footage of the temples, and all the things around, and some crown, and and me brings his room that barely works yeah I said, I’m gonna break mine you guys know I like I am don’t trust with the drone I’ve never had this happen, and all my drone flying experience it is so hot in Thailand that my drone will not fly the little blades easily over I said it’s probably what one how hot you think these blades are 120 oh ha I’ve never felt at this hot I was up there trying to get shot to the temple, and the drone would not fly it wouldn’t go it just just stopped everything’s hot. So we had to bring the drone down this temple shot was cut short I am so fired up for tomorrow tomorrow is going to be let me just say this we’re driving home go check out my Instagram, I’m doing kind of like a live like actual real-time Instagram story we’re driving home with the streets in downtown our madness there’s people out partying there’s people running around with water guns buckets of water dumping them on people just tomorrow is the actual festival, and it is going to be incredible.

So watch tomorrow’s post what else we do oh we got dinner we went to this amazing kind of traditional Thai restaurant has a little kind of feast amazing food actually let me go out in the balcony real quick I feel like when I go on trips like these I never really utilized the hotels just. Because, I’m out all day. But let me just show you this what it looks like at nighttime I want to jump off of here. So bad. But I think that pools maybe 4 feet deep which wouldn’t be the best landing. But yeah that is it for me from Thailand I will see you tomorrow for the festival. So until tomorrow everyone as always remember to smile more worry less, and live your passion.

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