King’s Chapel Concerts US Map & Phone & Address

King’s Chapel Concerts US Map & Phone & Address

King’s Chapel, Tremont and School Streets, Boston; (617) 227-2155

This stately edifice on the Freedom Trail between Park Street station and Government Center hosts weekday lunch hour concerts every Tuesday at 12:15 pm, usually solo, duet, or small ensemble recitals. These are mostly classical, but occasionally include jazz or folk artists. A freewill donation is requested. There’s also one organ recital each month, also by donation.

King’s Chapel Concerts US Map & Phone & Address Photo Gallery

Shortly, curved walls show where the burn flows from under the travel destination. Bridge 60 spans our deep wooded walk, one of the biggest arches over the Union Destination. What isn’t visible from the towpath is that the Glen Burn runs in a deep trench above and parallel to the travel destination. Bridge 61, Glen Bridge, has a second span, with neat curving parapets over the burn. Invisible from the travel destination, it is easy to walk up to and see. Bridge 61 has a unique feature: there are carved faces on both keystones – that on the east laughing, that on the west glum and girning – and popularly known as the ‘Laughing and Girning Bridge’. Accounts vary as to their meaning. Did one smile at the long miles built from the capital? Did the other grimace at the work just ahead in creating what was probably the first-ever transport tunnel in Scotland? It has also been suggested the masons showed their feelings for the characters of their respective bosses when the work met here. Above the faces are ovals with the Number 61 and the date 1821. Along the 100 yards leading on to the tunnel are excellent examples of kicking stones.

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