Nanchang Travel

An equal number of sannyasis stood and hurled questions for them Nanchang Travel to answer spontaneously. The hurling of questions was accompanied by handclaps and flicking of brown prayer Nanchang Travel beads, and frequently the boys paced up and down deep in thought. Some questions are about the scriptures and .some are philosophical. Spontaneous and sudden enlightenment is sought through intuitive understanding. In general, Buddha didn’t teach people to have faith, he taught doubt and questioning.

Ai observed more females than males using Jie Pang, especially in terms of everyday practices which linked this use with that of camera phone picture-taking. She put this down to the fact that, in her opinion, guys usually don’t want to share or record this’ sort of mundane, everyday information. When asked if she worried about people knowing where she was, given that issues of surveillance are particularly important for female users, Ai responded, yes, to some extent. So that’s why I choose [carefully] which SNS platform to synchronize with my check in.’ For this respondent, like the other female respondents surveyed, she uses Jie Pang every new place I go to every day’ and in order to note my footprint’. While she began using Jie Pang as a novelty to play with friends and to win the virtual badge’, as was the case with others surveyed, her motivation soon changed to one that carried far greater significance as part of her everyday diarization and narrations of place which interwove her geographic and electronic footprints.

For Bai, Jie Pang was important in recording and archiving his activities and journey. Through the game space, Bai was reworking the urban through his own cartographies of experiences. Unlike Ai, Bai did not record each place he went to everyday, just a few highlights. Here we see the way in which gender inflects the ways in which Jie Pang relates to ongoing endeavours in narrating the everyday. Bai viewed Jie Pang as a tool for showing where he was when he wanted people to know. Sometimes the checking in on Jie Pang was accompanied by taking pictures of the place, an activity Bai definitely viewed as gendered, stating, usually females would spend more time on it than men, and take more photos’. Both these informants noted that recently there had been a growth in different LBS on smartphone and PC platforms and that groups of friends would use similar ones. In short, the deployment of the LBS reflected the quanxi.

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