Nashville-Davidson Metro Map

Nashville-Davidson Metro Map

When we had reached the sea, we went about three Nashville-Davidson Metro Map leagues along the coast in search of our comrades. It was about ten o’clock at Nashville-Davidson Metro Map night when we met them, and there was a mutual rejoicing at having found each other. Not far off we saw the camp fires of our enemies, and our general ordered two of our soldiers to go and reconnoiter them, concealing themselves in the bushes, and to observe well the ground where they were encamped, so as to know what could be done. About two o’clock the men returned, saying that the enemy was on the other side of the river, and that we could not get at them.

Immediately the general ordered two soldiers and four sailors to return to where we had left the boats, and bring them down the river, so that we might pass over to where the enemy was. Then he marched his troops forward to the river and we saw a great many of the enemy go down to the river to get shell-fish for food.

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