New York Metro Map

Even the language of New York pronounced Noo Yawk is not quite American. Spoken in a mumbled rush, it’s a tough brand of English with the exaggeration of Madison Avenue, the sarcasm of the street-wise kid and a few words of Yiddish and Italian as punctuation.

New York is in many respects a refugee camp, the largest in the world. The immigrants who didn’t want to go any farther, who didn’t want to be blended into the American melting pot, stayed here. They settled in New York to keep their own values and whatever they could preserve of their native culture. Variety and tolerance are the bywords in New York. You can do and say whatever you like stand on your head in Columbus Circle or recite poetry in Wall Street and nobody will look twice.

Pretzel-salesman and trendy girl are equally at home amidst varied cultures and values of New York.

Early French colonial contributions are evident; so are significant Spanish New York Metro Metro Map styles borrowed from neighboring Dominican Republic and Cuba. From West Africa came several musical traditions. Over New York Metro Metro Map the years, they have combined to create Art is displayed on the streets of Port-au-Prince. Haiti has a rich cultural history. Sadly, many important works of art were lost in the 2010 earthquake. various styles that are unique to Haiti.

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