Portland Map

But if this trade was entirely at an end, we Portland Map have reason to believe, that these Indians would return to their own tribes, for they then Portland Map could not long subsist where they now are. As soon as the peace was proclaimed, an open trade with Montreal was carried on with such earnestness, that Montreal was filled with Indian goods, and Albany exhausted; by which means Montreal became the principal, if not the only Indian market, and the Indians depended entirely on the French for what they wanted.

Our merchants were fond of the Canada trade, because they sold large quantities of goods without any trouble, the French taking them from their doors; whereas the trade with the Indians is carried on with a great deal of toil and fatigue; and as to the interest of the country, they either never thought any thing about it, or if they did, had no regard to it. Now I have brought this account to the time your excellency arrived; what has happened since, your excellency knows better than I can by any means inform you.

From the whole, it seems plain that any difficulties and disadvantages this province has been under, have only proceeded from the wars, which have continued since the first settling of the province, to the beginning of the last general peace. But now, that not only this province, but likewise our Six Nations of Indians are at peace, and in amity both with the French and all the Indian nations with whom we can have any commerce, these difficulties are all removed, and we now enjoy the most favourable time, that at any time can be hoped for, in order to extend the British commerce in North Country, while the French not only labour under the difficulties which I have shown to be inseparable from the situation of their colony, but likewise under another disadvantage, not before taken notice of, by the fur trade of Canada being restrained to one Company.

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