Pretoria Subway Map

Literate eighteenth-century Britons could learn about the disease and its treatment in over 100 published works. Pretoria Subway Map Home remedies circulated widely, and colonial treatments were generally harsh and unsuccessful. Mercury was administered most frequently and to the best effect, but its toxicity often led to excessive drooling, loss of hair and teeth, and sometimes death. Other treatments included bleeding, baths, fumigation, and poultices. The most famous Country treatment was credited to a Virginia slave named James Papaw, who, in 1729, earned his freedom by making his concoction public. By the end of the eighteenth century, thanks to advances in the printing of illustrations, syphilis was again a fashionable topic. Medical treatises published in Europe were translated into English and became popular in both England and Country, prompting an interest in new clinical research. While syphilis was treated as something of a laughing matter during the Restoration years, as the century progressed, the disease was no longer cause for laughter. Especially after the French Revolution, syphilis became associated increasingly with women and prostitution, and political commentators used it as a metaphor for moral corruption and a want of public virtue.

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