Then it hit me good evening my dude it is time to what are we doing Road zahana well tons. And tons of waterfall viewpoints excitement adventure.

So what. I was trying to say until. I realized.

I filmed that entire internal emotion is that we got the crew rolling out just. So stoked to be exploring this beautiful island Maui, this is my first time here. And we are at our first stop of the day we got another plus one as well Jake is actually you’re from Maui right we’re doing from Sacramento.


I’ve been here four years right on Lord just took a huge slog to the face yeah that’s not a face to put it like that, it’s like right here. I guess or is the second time. I’ve been hit by a train the Jake was saying that his record is seeing 43 waterfalls in one day anything their endless right now we’ve got an epic quad jump going down three people three heroes Laura’s going to lead the way with a triple backflip, you guys are like extremely well in think, you got to be a dot beam where we going now guys for onward to the next waterfall man that’s the best thing about here, you never really know where you’re going next cuz could be rain in here.

And then five minutes there could be sunshine. So we’re just going to follow the road. And see where it takes us that was like a plan really nailed it who’s ready for waterfall in the mood.

I’m ready for waterfall number two little trick. I’m gonna be together he passed hey give me the shotgun thank, you sir you’re Shaka yeah the more local, you are so this Yuki babak’s never been here basically there does that but.

I’ve been here yeah, but we just kind of destroy a lot local right there call the shotgun yeah that’s respect, it’s like. I could be hello could be goodbye to be mad sometimes I’ll just raise them up let us barely pop. And there’s nobody here or.

So as. I mentioned in the last post. I actually can’t really name drop a ton.

And the interesting thing is mostly waterfalls don’t have names Jake was saying earlier that this actual waterfall was featured in a magazine that was all about Maui. And, it’s hidden gem after that release obtained an extremely popular tourist destination he said that, you basically not be able to come here without seeing 20 people, but for some crazy reason we’re the only ones here we’re lucky that we’re having that, it’s Memorial Day here right now we’re paying a lot to be here, but we’re not seeing too many crowds which is actually really surprising. So we are getting lost we’re getting lost though definitely enough to ride in the back of our new fans trunk.

And there’s some cars coming we’re gonna be okay we’re gonna be all right oh you’re just white now, it’s actually legal here to ride in the back of a truck. So, it’s greatly look at that shocked me yeah. I know hope, you are able to do this back in the US mainland.

So we’re about 10 minutes up the path we’re going across this like metal drawbridge. And now we’re heading over there where we can see people repelling from the tall waterfall. I think the boys are going to send it Laura hates when.

I say that Cendant. I don’t normally say it, but, you guys silly. I’m just talking to send it to Laura what are, you feeling, you going to go for a jump today now nothing to charge them maybe.

I can love this little blooper do again that was. So grateful, this is not not as graceful okay just like note it just doesn’t make quite sunny. And sorry folks the water keep it McQueen gee.

I didn’t lose my Walt. I can’t find it so. I give, you sugar papa sugar Paris what are we gonna get tacos always, it’s one of my favorite places in Maui, it’s black sand beach why not been off the skate park what.

I really like about it is the bunny ears which is over there take a little concerned ones really funny thing that happens at the Y Tourism Board is they’ll get rocks mailed back them some people. And the reason is the legend of Pele who’s the fire goddess the goddess of volcanoes if you take one of her rocks one of her pieces of sand from the island you’ll have bad luck following that. And to a lot of people that a bull thing like all, this is super cool it blacks an arrow that’s, you know red rock or whatever it is.

And they get home and. I start having some bad luck or something goes wrong. And they want to try.

And remedy until. I try. And nail that rock back the Tourism Board actually has a lot of rock like a surprising amount more than, you think people are trying to like say sorry we didn’t mean to send it back that’s.

So good, it’s got a bunch of rocks as Dan explained, this is the black sand beach, it’s kind of like a charcoal gray, it’s not super dark, but it is beautiful. I’m going to swim over there. I’m going to assess the situation because.

I don’t really want to jump 11 meter, this is like 36 feet but I might go see these guys come on deciding the spirit looking creature just runs around the park terrorizing people thank, you Oh in the monkeys in the trash oh my gosh right now. So we just arrived at the red sand beach.

And as, you can see here we are basically at the base of an inactive volcano, you can actually go through tunnels where lava created a tunnel passage into the ground. And now rivers run through it, you can actually do like a two-hour hike to get to a really cool one according to Jake. So all that rock right there is due to volcanic activity is the red pan beach my feet really hurt right now.

I thought we’ve been nice fine sands, but like really sharp pebbles those are nice yeah a lot of beautiful things to see here and. I got to say Hawaii is probably my favorite place in the world for beauty for development for just comfort of travel like it, it’s something else, this is the most diverse landscape that. I’ve ever seen.

And, it’s all here in one place. So. I’m absolutely in love.

So we were using the leftover ingredients to make some balm af nachos, it’s basically our final moment. And we’ve been traveling together now the four of us for like nine days dad was like a last minute addition. And it really like completed the trip.

So thank you so much for coming. And showing a Maui.

And we’ve killed this trip we’re exhausted right now, you think that after traveling Hawaii you’d be relaxed. And rejuvenated. I’m just like ready to go home.

And leave yeah we’ve been hitting sunrises sunsets every day here’s probably already know this could, you follow them, but awesome. So keep following them because they’re also but I had a super fun time this trip.

I don’t have my wall but. We’ll see, you later. And make sure to check out everyone’s socials here they’re linked down below one of the awesome things about travel is that it develops relationship extremely quickly and, you can definitely expect to see more travels with this amazing crew plug getting really emotional because if you’re new to this blog make sure to hit the comment button.

And make sure, you thought Bell button. So that you’re notified the moment the next series goes live. And if you want to see the rest of the Hawaii playlist I’ll have it linked down below.

So, you can start from the very beginning. And see the incredible adventures that we’ve had here let’s get lost again in the next one. ?

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