Rockaway Beach New York City

Good afternoon and welcome to Rockaway Beach here in New York City. I am so thrilled to be volunteering for Barefoot Wine Beach Rescue project. That’s right So today basically we are going to be cleaning up this beach. It’s going to be good. Let’s do this. After everyone checked in, we split into groups so we could target different parts of Rockaway beach, as it is a pretty big beach. I wanted to welcome you to the 7th year Surfrider Foundation and Barefoot Wine have gotten together to do a beach clean up at Rockaway.

Rockaway Beach New York City Photo Gallery

Thank you to Barefoot Wine for sponsoring You know we have very clean beaches at Rockaway but we still can use a lot of extra help and with all your hands and helping us, we really appreciate it. The, with gloves and bags at hand the clean-up commenced. Okay, we split into groups and we’re going to be cleaning some of the dunes here, the different part of the beach, picking up anything that is garbage. Anything that is garbage is got to go. Hello there garbage. Today is not the day for you. Was it good? You guys had fun? Yea. It’s a little bit cleaner. Excellent. Hi. So right now we are at the after party celebration we finished cleaning up all the beaches and it is food and wine time and music This was one of the best efforts yet here at Rockaway beach and I am so proud of each and everyone of you As you are aware Barefoot Wine partnered with Surfriders across the country to make sure that we keep beaches barefoot friendly. So thank you so much for coming out today. We appreciate it. I had such a great time at this even here. I think just giving back and helping out is so important. I highly, highly recommend that if you ever have the opportunity to come to a beach rescue, do it. Or you know help out in your local area. No matter where you live, you don’t necessarily have to come to an event, you can do this every day. If you live near a beach, go out, help clean up do your part. Little things make a difference. They all add up to one big difference. So cheers to a successful day, working hard and helping keep New York city beaches barefoot friendly. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you all again soon. Bye.

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