Sydney Map

The rise of transnational capital was accelerated by the end of the Cold War. After the dismantling of the Berlin Wall in 1989, and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the ex-East was open to western-style consumerism. Indeed, a growing desire for consumer goods was a driving force of unrest in the Eastern bloc, alongside issues of political expression. The outcome of these events was a sweeping re-categorization of the world. Before 1989, there was a First World (the capitalist West), a Second World (the state-socialist East) and a Third World (all the rest, including the ex-colonial states of western empires, which were seen as ripe for development on the western model). Suddenly it became necessary to re-organize these categories.

The outcome, still to an extent emerging, is a dualism between a global North comprising the previous West, plus industrialized countries in, for instance, Eastern Europe, and, as a foil to the North, a global South, in effect the Third world re-named. None of these terms is quite accurate: the West was essentially the industrialized world and, hence, included Japan in the geographical East, and Australia in the geographical North. Today it would include China. I use the terms only for convenience, but prefer the term majority world for the global South simply because it is not pejorative, and reflects that a majority of the world’s human inhabitants live there in as much as emerging economies such as India and Brazil might be included in it. Of course, they might not, or might not be soon.

Those most likely to be taken by surprise by the changing Sydney Map tides are visiting motorists, many of whom have innocently left their cars on Shore Road and returned Sydney Map to find them almost completely submerged. Bosham is one of the prettiest villages in Sussex and indeed Southern England, and the church of the Holy Trinity is one of the most important and oldest sites of Christian worship in the county. The earliest part of the present structure dates back to before the Norman Conquest with a significant amount of early-eleventh-century work. It boasts a Saxon tower and chancel arch, and there is a superb Early English east window of 1120 and crypt that was built around the same time. King Harold took communion at the church shortly before the Battle of Hastings. According to legend, Canute, who became king of England in 1016, lived for a time in Bosham and had a daughter who was buried in the church.

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