Travel to Bucharest

The Opera

Even though, in Romania, there were lyrical manifestations dating as far back as the 19th century, the building of the Romanian National Opera is relatively new (1953), being constructed based on the plans designed by the architect Octav Doicescu. It has a capacity of 2,200 seats, and it houses, at the last story, the Opera Museum where documents, photos and costumes are exhibited, illustrating the development of this artistic genre in Romania. In front of the building there is the statue of the great musician Geroge Enescu, a bronze sculpture signed by Ion Jalea.

The National Military Centre

The building of the National Military Centre was constructed in 1912 following the plans designed by the architects D. Maimarolu, V. Stefanescu and E. Doneaud, in the neoclassical French style. It has sumptuous interiors which used to house balls, reunions, and, nowadays, painting and sculpture exhibitions, or book launches.

The Triumphal Arch

The Triumphal Arch was built in 1922, out of wood and reed, to celebrate the Great Union, after the victory of the Romanian army in the First World War. Between 1935 and 1936, the architect Petre Antonescu carried out the construction of the new Triumphal Arch, built in rock this time. The Southern facade is adorned with two bronze medallions which portray King Ferdinand and Queen Maria.

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