Tucson Subway Map

1689 In the midst of the turmoil in Maryland’s Tucson Subway Map government, news arrives from England that James II has been replaced on the throne by William and Tucson Subway Map Mary. In July, the Protestant Association, a hastily thrown together group that opposes the proprietary, essentially overturns Lord Baltimore’s government without firing a shot. The Associators, as they are sometimes labeled, quickly pass a law forbidding any Catholics to occupy the colony’s civil or military offices.

Throughout the colony, new elections are held. 16901691 Maryland becomes a royal colony when Lionel Copley is appointed governor by William of Orange. The Associators, generally speaking, welcome Copley, a staunch Protestant. 1692 The first Assembly convenes under royal government, passing a large number of acts, many simply continuing earlier legislation. One major exception is an act that establishes the Church of England in the colony, but this does not actually go into effect for another ten years. 16931694 In 1693 Governor Copley dies and is replaced by Francis Nicholson, an experienced and skilled colonial administrator. In 1695 Nicholson is instrumental in designing the new capital, Annapolis.

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