Hey guys we hittin downstairs to go, and get breakfast, and delivering breakfast to Steven he’s very lucky isn’t he to have us lucky he’s busy editing a post. So just waiting for the lip-sync I spin around in way to Minnesota since then I was thinking this home within there oh is that everyone we are getting to pull.


So you check it out just wanna go for a swim. Because Vegas is so hot like even in like nine o’clock o’clock, and still hot you can bring your floaties. Because only young people learning. But this time we’re taking the monorail we’re just gonna work it out when should we go okay let’s go low into the stratosphere guys wheel all the way down yeah for the industry really, and we’re gonna get one that goes all the way up there Vegas is the hottest place I’ve ever been to we’ve been to Dubai that’s hotter than to buy you know it’s currently five o’clock, and 37 degrees, and they’re like 1:00 a.m. is still 32 degrees.

So hot, and that’s the weather for the next few days oh my gosh on Monday 40 look how hot it is evil we’re currently working to be high-roller which is like a gigantic ferris wheel here on the strip in Vegas, and we’ve been invited by them to go, and check it out by going around it right yeah, and would you like we’re doing like a happy hour or happy hour now it’s 4:00. So there’s gonna be some drinks involved it should be fun well if you are OCD you wouldn’t want to stay at the Encore. So it starts rain, and we bought a one-way train ticket, and we’re bottom of the script we’re at the bottom of the strip, and we got to get double, and halfway up this trip this is about a 40 minute walk if we don’t get rained on too much it’s really raining now we’re trying to get um a little bit shade from these trees it’s not really working that well as you can see it is very wet all right it’s not raining, and guess what we found there it is excited to go on it this good use of city I’ve never been on a ferris wheel before. So actually bite sized on it take my hand, and we’ll go to a different place flower, and we’ll fly away all the singers are out again, and just levitate sorry fast I can’t believe that sporty finish we just got in the last year oh, I’m about to show it’s really really pretty from a bomb, I’ll definitely recommend if you were to go into the high roller I definitely recommend coming to like stunts at night. But it’s all lit up I definitely feel like that maybe look the back oh yeah that’s pretty cool now we’re gonna go, and check out some of the retailers, and some of the shows they put on cuz I love do free shows, I’m gonna check them on our way back to our hotel us we’re gonna bounce over to different hotels until I get two hours where we go we don’t care the no we’re just at the Polaroid store I wish I could get one they that be amazing just to take around the world bankís have you guys seen this photo. But it’s of us wait it’s focusing on your face here we go I want to get this done Polaroid bit of art it’s like Polaroid picture, and that’s why we don’t have one a photo is for 30 bucks wait stop it around the retail we’re good in the elevator, and you not supposed to on the elevator oh my gosh this is the first time we have seen plumbing it’s real real on the hotel lights up pink that’s cool, and there’s the high role of Iran is this for you guys even is welcome to the hotel all the reto is all these cool things. So we are walking through this trip, and and Vegas is deaf on sizes lighter we’ve now moved over to a hotel called the Mirage, and they have a people hanging are you sure you got to go check that out that volcano shows sorry good I love dinner when L walking back to our retail.

But on the way we go to pass the Bellagio I have a look at that big water display they do I think they will doing something with the shores you don’t like the first. So program to come back, and check it out you can swallow me home if you want to as we slow-danced here the dark let me kiss you babe while we play alright guys we just got back we are. But it was good enjoy de Vegas is awesome a night it’s definitely more lively at night like during the day there’s no one around. Because it’s so hot they’re all inside. But I’ve not played everyone’s walking around. So it’s really cool remind me a lot of Times Square. But yeah thanks for reading guys, and tomorrow we’ve got some more adventures in Vegas for you bye bye.

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