West Bay Club


The Expert ➸ COURTNEY PAUL, Barry’s Bootcamp master trainer at West Bay Club Fitness Retreat. A mix of cardio and strength training, the three-night intensives at this TCI resort combine beachfront body sculpting with healthy fare and spa treatments.

The Move ➸ INTERVAL SPRINTS Running is a total-body workout you can take anywhere, so no excuses for not exercising, world traveler. Find a partner who is faster than you (maybe your fancé or a bridesmaid?) to push you to your max, mentally and physically. Aim for a 15- to 30-minute interval daily, alternating speed and intensity.

The Recipe ➸ CHILLED ORGANIC AVOCADO SOUP From West Bay Club chef Wolfgang von Wieser, this chilled soup is perfect for cooling of after a sprint sesh. Peel and dice one Haas avocado, and juice one Granny Smith apple. Combine juice and avocado in a blender and add ½ cup ice cubes, ¼ teaspoon white pepper, the juice of half a lime and salt to taste. Blend until smooth and serve in a bowl with a spoonful of plain Greek yogurt. Garnish with fresh arugula and drizzle with avocado oil.

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