When Travel Gets Dangerous

Hey everybody, and welcome back to Thailand we’ve counted as a beautiful little island over here I will actually have to do some conservation through like marine I got the scuba gear already, and we’re going to go down, and we’ll say about what we do in turn of course that’s a stop, and plug in a tricky place Wow big cement blowhole if you’re far this beam is a quick quick quick Wow whoa can you stop polluting the water this is a coral that we’re going to go on five down top of the ocean right how many preserving children, and a home. So currently rehabilitating the coral reef profiles bugginess just. So doesn’t move for three years now they’ve been getting volunteers to come here, and put those cement bricks down into the ocean, and they’re planting coral, and growth of that Lila that was so cool we saw some that were from three years ago that have grown so much there’s no fish everywhere we just planted some more, and they’re trying to like rehabilitate the coral reef, and get it back to what it was like at the island, and it is a very beautiful island alrighty it’s now free time for the volunteer. So we’re going to go for a bit of a snorkel bit of an explore, and I might actually head out for that little island we’ve dock next to we’re trying to do a thing the drawing is in that bag. So good luck Steve you wants to go fly it from out there do you feel okay we just got back onto the land what a beautiful day that the island we’ve had eyes that Island we went out in. So tropical such a paradise out here now ride has arrived you like ready for the tropical I why sure yeah the main objective for this volunteer project is actually work with the locals we are at a fishing village here in Thailand, and we’re trying to help work with the locals, and the community – you know better assist them to create a sustainable way of life for them here hello ah. So cool Lord Rosse a little kid internal furthermore. But I was one of the coolest ways we’ve ever come to dinner, and tonight we haven’t a tie I’ve one serving a fat one that’s horrible. But is embarrassing a local to favor some mango by the way am I going just gonna be out of that time to go home you look.

When Travel Gets Dangerous Photo Gallery

So awkward the homestay was saying it has a center out of the front they know me too well, and a Christmas tree living I am we go backward we’ve got that emanate we’ve just been told that our train is currently broken no easy ages that when it will be sick it will come. So I ate our travel day I don’t know how long this day is going to be we found this random room next to the store we have to wait like an hour, and a half till our next pickup comes, and I think we just sound like a internet cafe no one is here. So thank you for letting a few deaf Jess’s probably left me. Because she’s been having a bit of an issue she has improved in a time if you probably can’t read on tell me gustas right now. But she literally did like Eureka without being 90 degrees that shall be collected from the south, and he can offer you support good luck bye-bye bounces with an envoy it was above, I’m a bad boy honestly guys there is zero tourism here this is just a random town I didn’t even know tourism will come here that’s virtually the main town just there I actually found it more beautiful than a while hand to be honest that’s our recommendation. But I don’t even know ting stay in hotels here we’d at home stays maybe we can look into it for you guys if you interested. But definitely worth it better than fire see all these birds here they almost look like mosquitos.

Because it was so far away there must be a lot of bugs over there also to give you an update it is 11 o’clock we started traveling at 8 o’clock, and our train still isn’t here we are literally here at banks of annoyed for a day, and a bit however we are heading up to sing brewery, and we’re in sing Bora we’re going to be there for a week. So we can actually show you the area around them what we’re up to we just had to come to Wahine, and thanks for sending I super quickly to do some work. But we pretty much have to do an eight or nine hour travel day to get out to sing glory which starts with the train then a minivan then a bus then a pickup is going to be a crazy day of traveling stuffing our trains arrived alrighty we just made it off the train busy on this for about how long we’re sorry to wake up on another way to get into glory how long the same energetic survived minivan going to thrive in losing Laurie I think it’s glancing in the means arms in a secure, and enjoy the view while I can guys I’d like to tell you where we are I’ve ready transport number two I don’t even know how long we’ve been traveling now. But, I’m working in 2007 I’ve we’ve been we go to the 7:00 a.m. it’s not 7:00 at night, and I think had one of those moments where your life flashes before your eyes, and I now like, I’m grateful for my life.

Because the driver though insane he was going 115 on on his phone he was messaging on his foreign, and I literally, and we’ve got two more hours I think we get there I would just like come to have a stretcher up literally my heart is racing still my heart I hope you’ve done on your sister only I know we don’t have AC bus, and our doors don’t open like they have to get out to open unless am I thinking if we crash and, I’m fucking me freaking out I guess if any of you guys travel change before you might know what, I’m talking about. Because this is resolved first time in seven literally life flashed before my eyes, I’m now grateful I want to get the call alright a guys two more hours inside this little compartment wish us luck oh that’s got a little bit sunburned after 12 hours of traveling we finally made it to sing very and, I’m very excited. Because we’re actually gonna be spending a week here to actually come to explore with volunteering another school which was so excited about, I’m just glad that they’re long travel days over over by the way are starting to like think of unpacking, and I was like is there not like oh I saw the show you know is there enough. But I don’t know that am I gonna be able to store my things, and like unnecessarily like. So many drawers I really feel like delusional right now cuz we travel so much you look a bit sunburned – I think we need like starting with home screen on mm-hmm sorry guys they was just one of those days when it’s really hard to try, and make an interesting blog they wasn’t a bad day it was the media today, and thank you for bearing with us is just one of those things that we just have to deal deal with apologize you tear into place with these eleven about relax, and that’s what we operate this is a great day very cuddly telling to to home, and well monocle, and odd people who agree don’t apologize see what happened today I don’t know why it’s awfully clean now jumped into bed, I’m exhausted in this lighting I look even more sunburned yes I need to remember to spell wearing sunscreen more I put it on it just comes off throughout the day, and you like carry around with me anywhere, and the post – Stephen – come to bed we will see you guys in a few days you’ve really good Wi-Fi here. So we should be able to get blogs up more frequently which is good.

But yes got a week to explore things buried ribbit volunteering we will post in, and some I feel super good tonight guys thank you bye bye.

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