Australians South African Candy Snacks

Hey welcome back to fun Friday. So we hadn’t done one of these in. So long where we at the motor Jess we’re currently in keep jobs I’ve ever gotten outside our window is Table Mountain it is it’s so good at all I think I said been enjoying the posts, and we have known one of these and. So long that we thought when you bring one back they’re gonna be eating food we don’t mean a lot of food, and a lot of food, I’m excited for.

Australians South African Candy Snacks Photo Gallery

Because if you didn’t know, I’m South African. So we’re gonna quite good like my child who is sitting right there in front of us we’re gonna walk down everything we’re gonna go for a little walk down little snack little drink little crunch we’re gonna have something that wicked can be. So sorry clear my sister we had to get some jelly tarts you kind of jelly right now think of a favorite like something handy. So jellies also like these little jellies like fruity jellies, and it’s like different flavors, and stuff like that, and they kind of covered in with sugar, and if you guys can see that. But they are really yummy mmm-hmm sort of good these are delish let’s go how good these are hmm yeah jelly nice don’t know when you grab something I’ve never tried before ever okay I’ve never tried the Ovilus this is my childhood this is like the equivalent of you should not be happiness as a kid really like you know there’s no cereals they’re just covered in like shut up crunchy nut, and all those other stuff. So these are called ice zoos, and they’re like a biscuit they look like. But I’ve never.

So it makes it so much fun I need to have this in your kids oh my god both. So unbelievably hard I can like taste them all another dolphin is it a dolphin Thor I think it’s a spring oh my gosh they literally smell of sugar smell of my child with his little best friend mark it’s all free one hour on the Springbok line you have the little band I know all of us Nelson Tracy, and really like it reacts with each other it’s really hard oh I didn’t expect that play bar mm-hmm what do you think of them as a kid not nice thing tastes like mud sticks really why does everything touch like mustard I don’t know I like it it’s so sweet, and I wasn’t expecting this to be. So hard like it’s all okay, I’m licking the rain I seems like a murrain yeah I feel bad, I’m like these little spring Bob. But you’re taking you adding good oh my god I figured on it I still enjoyed this is the first time I’ve had this in like well over 16-minute not sure I want to try the other biscuity way 116 years, and these are the things matches will not pick them out at the shopping center. But these look good I’ve never had these in these are called Ramadan bitter greens which looks like to a sink bread is baked is bread maybe South African brand okay. But these are amazing, I’m excited to try these oh those are so losers are too sweet is it too good this I think would be good to dip we do a bit of a team x land on them all. Because coffee, and chocolate wings to destroy oh they smell good Oh yummy oh that little bit I thought oh I love ya these look good I love chocolate biscuits mm mm mm hmm it’s like funny then I taste is sweet.

Because the Xu’s was so overpowering. But these are yummy oh my gosh no these are really good yeah right many days in a coffee, and you put them in I don’t know if you guys really like your hard biscuits in South Africa, and it was all kind of rustles you this one mmm. Because it’s like white for dipping hmm they like to do news for me I really like these can you get me to Australia everything oh sure mom you will be whooping this hungry okay mm-hmm all right. So we picked up two drinks they’re both called it’s polish up one is a spy berry flavor, and this one is cream soda flavor that is green, and I was so creamy soon with red did you yeah I was so creamy.

So does red and, I’m pretty sure Australia creamy sodas red the cow is that what this is green to me it’s green possesses childhood his childhood as well this is childhood right yeah this is like my childhood was really unhealthy, I’m sure also these are probably just sometimes berries it smells sorry sweets sorry sweet like sweeter than the zoo biscuits mmm yeah actually no smell or when you smell it. So sorry gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme I want to see what the difference makes like. Because all these vacancies good, I’ll just take this to me like creamy soda fizzes red no like the liquid is bright pink by the way tailored strawberry strawberry drink which I don’t even get in Australia no, I’ll be fine alone it was like a potion Hey okay that’s more my childhood than this one I think I had more cream. So I think I was a lot of previous owner this tastes just like creaming side like the ones you use makes spiders with much ice cream in it yeah you guys having that as far as informative Australia oh yeah float they only in America float here we go to Skyler which is our ice cream your fizzy drink. But this would go really good as a spider oh it’s creamy it’s only how it’s green it’s good though yeah no this one i waver further than that one that one’s like very sweet, and innocent. But it also says Justin don’t good metres for your green we’re doing this is like not even lunchtime yet, and we’re gonna go exploring I hope you like we’re gonna crash. So yeah all right this is inevitabie you seen these before I don’t have any memory of it okay they do what flings, and it says original flavor amaze smack not amaze the whole maze thing is pretty big each other yeah my niece is quite like a mailbox which is like selecting a nutritional south african fish you have like million reverse million couples also porridge a bit I’ve seen the maker does when you even have made a maze.

Because I was just all these other chip packet core knickknacks I was trying to choose which ones anyone to do both is except for me snack. But I decided to grab the flings, and you have heard of them. So like let’s go try them together okay I might not have them in the, and this is this all these things I didn’t like says trans fat free top twos rain free, and it’s baked look Freud’s maybe need to try to be like mortality destroys I will do sure next I look like. So please what you picture them to look like little lightning bolts no not okay that must be knickknacks there like this at pops like cheese puffs wait oh my gosh yes I remember these. So badly yes I have had them oh I like cheese black cheetos cheetos, and they didn’t like the light thing i believe your background yummy I love these is such an is it original flavor. But it tastes like cheese it does it has a good charity yeah this is original this michael is going to be like more like salted maybe yeah I love these oh my gosh why is this a hundred grams in this bag it says no no this is neck 12 grams Oh gonna say. Because 100 grams is 487 calories.

But this is any tall ground okay Azamat mmm, I’m going to like good that ah so much fun can we do another post of these, and just try more sex these are not favorite things about. So far I want a very cheap person, and this is really I mean I like it a lot another thing we picked up is I had to look, and look like South Africa Australia, I’m really similar tropopause does any tree that I noticed that I’d never seen before one was called r1. But it’ll just like a mars bar size over the travel that looks different to anything with a tribe which is this text bar, and it looks like, I’m gonna like this it’s my nestle none of a sine-wave girl in the middle tech arrow in a doctor I was like. So surrounding chocolate, and there’s a like wafer chocolate wafer, and then an arrow trapping, I’m gonna like on even insert a rich creamy Nestle milk chocolate with eros Center, and filled biscuit wafers does it sounds like my kind of thing. Because it you know what’s like is that Kit Kat, and Aero her baby oh yes you don’t have these on you little yeah did you love it oh that was like a second nice, and also like all its size I miss a good size like you were a kid, and this was presented oh my gosh I had to choose which bar I would. So companies or roller that’s in Australia as well right I believe you know rollers I don’t know if they’re in America. But notice that I stolen here, and that’s what I call South Africa is roller that’s why, I’m Tommy rolling with it anyway Oh excited oh that’s a good look like really chunky chunky kind of try to I guess what hmm my mom is slowly goes just like a key came in there, and baby oh those toggle mm-hmm nuts delicious Salem Layla hmm that is so good really cooling ever. So I love that in like less than 12 hours time I don’t know how we’re taking this all with us whether eating it all trafficking we’re having a really healthier lunch lunch, and dinner, and the last one we got are these flavored chips that we definitely don’t have in Australia I’ve never seen them anywhere else and, I’m guessing the South Africa this is a line on them. But it look simple chips, and the way that we present our mind run laughing like wanna see pictures of my grandchildren it was like boys I’ve never seen this before if we want to get small batches Australia they’re like in one big bag, and then we only want three outside never justified before this is that kind of photos I’ve got been given these with super trip chips, and the reason I Tracy’s flavour. Because the flavor is mrs. HS fault chutney flavor potatoes yes Rodney, and this mrs. HS balls, I’m making a minute scene on here. But I think it’s a South African sharpening flavour, and I’ve never seen chutney flavoured chips before.

So let’s give this a go it says it has rolls with flavor roars with flavor it rolled in flavor great okay what cool all they smell good you like cherries they smell good okay. So the crinkle cut they quite pinprick moons oh my gosh I love the flavor kind of exact tomato sauce flavor Mina tomato ketchup please at the head, and cut it up they have ketchup flavored chips yeah why don’t we get some here oh the chunky one tastes just like it yo this is yummy me I love it have you guys ever had chopped me it’s like a fruity fruit based on sauce. So good oh yeah I think my favorite source links, and the textile next minification say my favorite is which is all about that ring South Africa I really like to stop it’s yummy aureus you like no need for you to know to me I hope you guys enjoyed the post now that any snacks you forgot. Because we much will you just went to like a checkers, and just walk down the aisle tell us the law, and also if you want us to do, and even another country tell us who has the best candy cuz I don’t know thanks so much for reading guys if you’re new around here please hit comment give us a thumbs up if you enjoyed the post, and if you’re south-african make sure you share this post with your friends.

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