Beijing Map


We are now in Temple Heaven I probably should have picked up an audio guide or map because I don’t know where I’m walking to but its there, that direction. Look I found a map. It really wasn’t that hard. This is what we are going to explore. I found it. So today is a National holiday here is China There is a lot of people. Alright, here is some advise for you if you want to become a sucessful travel postger on how to get over the awkwardness of postging in public because right now I am surrounded by a lot of people here. The key is, no one cares. Nobody cares. You think its embarrassing, people are judging you?

Beijing Map Photo Gallery

Nobody cares. They really don’t. So don’t care Just do it. There you go. So today started out to be an adventure. I was going to take a direct bus to the Great Wall today but the bus drove right passed us, so we jumped in a cab to catch up to it Failed to catch up to it, so now we are trying to find another bus to try to get there. This is turning out to be a mission. Mind you it is the great wall, so, yea, fingers crossed that we actully find our bus now. Well, this is my ride for the next two hours. Standing in the bus. Lets hop that the rest of this works out Good times. This is the overview of the town here, or it was a village Oh, a dye house. Its beautiful We haven’t even gotten to the great wall yet and this is amazing. So, we are taking the cable car.

This is an option here If you don’t want to hike up the trail. The trail takes about 30-40 min. You can take a path up to get to the wall, or you can take a cable car. You can do two option: you can take the cable car up, then take it back down, or you can just take it up, or you can just take it down or a variety of the sorts. Clearly we know what type of person I am. The cable car person. Alright, we have made it to the Great Wall of China Now this is the Simatai section of the wall. There are multiple sections that you can visit when you come to China and when you come to Beijing. That is because the great wall is over six thousand kilometers long IT is very, very long and not all of the sections are restored and repaired. There are certain sections you and visit when you come here to China. So this is supposed to be the most unique and rugged section It has the most original look and feel from the Ming Dynasty. So we are going to go explore it. and do some more hiking and walking and great walling What walks down, must go back up. Well, can’t say I didn’t foresee this coming in my future more steps.


Alright, so this afternoon we are exploring 798 District here in Beijing. This is really cool. I am super excited to show you. This is the arts district. So basically they are a bunch of old factories. So these are old electronic factories that were transformed into art spaces. I am trying this drink. It is a traditional drink here. What kind of fruit is it? Apple? No. ohh PLUM. I think its like a plum juice. Now that I finished my juice, I feel I should added to the juice bottle cat shrine This is the coolest, random thing ever So if you want to get one of these amazing adorable rabbit postcard, leave me a comment down below and your favorite thing about Beijing has been or will be in this video. You have to watch the video to find out This is actually one of the coolest things ever.

This 751. It is the Design and Architectural District and basically there is a design competition happening. So these are old factories, that were used as factories as I am assuming. And now, they are just really awesome buildings to look at I don’t know if I am actually supposed to enter that or that’s “part of the art”. This is 3D printed concrete. That’s so cool. So this afternoon we are exploring Prince Kung’s Palace. He was the price of Emperor of the Qing Dynasty I figured it our why there are so many flowers This is an exhibition of autumn flowers I think because my seasons are always messed up from my travels that I don’t realize what season I am in flowers. It’s kind of blowing my mind right now We are currently in the Olympic Park. It is so beautiful and windy today. Olympic cube. Stadium train. So right now it is the Beijing International Tourist Festival. It is a festival at the Beijing Olympic Park and they are showcasing a bunch of amazing cultural dances from around the world and its the windstorm of the century.

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