Best Travel Destinations 2018

Best Travel Destinations 2018

Regarding our choice of transportation to Florence and Pisa, a bus or train might have been a lot cheaper; but, the taxi driver’s charming personality and the personal care and attention he gave us throughout the drive was well worth it. We even valued the fascinating history lessons he gave us about the powerful Medici family ruling Tuscany and building Livorno to compete with Pisa.

I guess the foregoing is enough to support the blogger’s belief that it’s the experience that really matters. Not how much you spend. To actually visit Pisa; and, see, with my own two eyes, the tower leaning in reality was priceless! You know how television can make things appear to look ever so natural and they are not! So, while seeing things on television is one thing, seeing them in reality is always the best.

Best Travel Destinations 2018 Photo Gallery

This brings me to another expert travel blogger’s quote which is, “People of all income levels can be budget travelers. It’s how you approach travel and what you get out of your travels that matters…EVERYONE, regardless of income level, has a budget. Some budgets are bigger than others but we all want to get the most out of what we have to spend for our travel experiences.”

I agree wholeheartedly. When I started cruising in 2001, my budget was determined for me. I joined a group of fifty or so regular cruisers; and, the basic cost came with the itinerary – round trip airfare to and from Puerto Rico; bus transfers to and from the cruise ship; and, cruise fare and tips for the waiter, assistant waiter and stateroom attendant.

I just needed a few cash dollars to spend – not on the ship, but in the places visited; plus, my credit card to cover any laundry, alcoholic beverages, photos and a cruise review video on the ship itself.

I did not need to spend anything unnecessary. Not go on tours whether organised by the cruise ship itself or any we might have decided to at any place.

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