It’s here in the air it is finally here our project that we’ve been working on co-working on.

So my name is Nene Sakura or hey Abby that is my travel blog blog and, this is my good friend Kristin Sarah hopscotch the boat hello fellow travel post ographers extraordinaire. So together we have put together a travel post eCourse. And we’re.


So so excited. So excited so. I know myself personally get asked all the time how do.

I do what, you do, you have the dreams how do. I do what, you do. I wanna make travel posts well we have listened to, you.

And the answer is far more complicated than we originally thought. So we decided that the best way to teach, you what we do is to build an eCourse. So this course literally has everything that really have experience over the many years six plus years in the industry trial.

And error our expert knowledge when it comes to put together gear working with brands oh my gosh when it comes to. I’m not starting money yeah. And starting like if you’re just starting making posts that will type of the gear to, you is how to film in when, you travel there’s.

So much knowledge here how to host oh my gosh notes how to blog how to be yourself on camera yep how to film in certain locations um how to film in certain weather condition how to market your posts how to set up blog how to set up your partnership program let it reach out to other youtubers yeah all about collaborations. I mean like it is, it’s a really in-depth course because we didn’t want to just give, you a two second answer of like how to do what we do we’ve there is no second there is a second answer, it’s a really complicated answer. So an eCourse is something both Christianized our first venture into it, this is a professionally taught eCourse we rented out studios we’ve done.

So much research, it’s over ten hours of footage. And knowledge for, you guys that includes 14 post courses. And expert interviews with some of the best youtubers.

And post creators where they share their knowledge on how they make their posts. And how they’re successful. And how they’re making a living doing what.

I’ve been living doing it we got people like Matt Santoro who’s like one of the five youtubers we got mark Wiens who’s also a youtuber very successful youtuber um we have a lease P oh my gosh one of our favorites what another another crazy successful youtuber um there’s a lot of knowledge that everybody has. And we brought people from all types of areas in the travel post world to really give, you a full picture of what, this is. And along with all of the post footage that we have we also have exercises.

So like extras. I mean like, it’s got its like course work, but, this is the new course, it’s going you’re going to school. I mean good good a shower, you tickle.

I mean then, this is like a like a university or yeah sure it really really is. And that’s how we’ve structured it to give, you knowledge to give, you skills and, you have to work with those skills. So there’s exercises.

And there’s also resources. So we provide, you with our resources like go like gold, it’s cool it gives, you templates we give, you examples we give, you tons. And tons of links.

So, you know where to go what to do. And just makes it. So so simple.

And easy for, you to be a travel vlogger to be a trouble postgrapher, it’s a really helpful resource on top of everything that we’re going to be providing in the course we also are providing webinars to to people who sign up for our course we can answer any of any questions that, you might have yeah further question. So these are going to be private webinars for anybody that decides to take the course. And they will be hosted by us.

And will go through any of the further questions that, you have after you’ve completed the course. And anything else that, you wish to know again there’s so many of, you over the years who have said, you have the dream job we want to do what, you do.

And with this course we hope that, you can do what we do. And everything that we’ve included in this course is everything that we’ve learned over the years literally everything. So we really hope it helps, you in IRA’s, you.

And really get, you started in this industry because, it’s amazing it really is six years of trial. And error both Chris and. I are so so proud of this course we put our heart. And soul into it and, you know like we’re really really happy. And proud of the product and.

I know this isn’t. I think, this is a again a professional course is a university style course. And it is also a paid course as much as we’d love to offer this resource to, you guys, this is for people looking for to make this a job, it’s for if you were looking to make travel post making a job or just even take yourself to next level.

I mean, you don’t have to make a job, but if you were looking to take it to the next level, you want the insider information, this is the course for, you the content in this course is not stuff that, you are going to find in university or college courses no, this is really something uh no is a based on our personal experience. And we’ve become very successful at what we do. And we want, you to be successful at it as well.

So that’s why we’re sharing all of our tips all of our secrets all the insider information because there is room for a lot of people in this industry, it’s really, it’s an awesome place to live and, you guys are always asking us how do, you do what, you do, this is how, you do what we do in this course, you will find out exactly. And especially the famous question that we cover is how to make money doing this. And we cover all of that in this course so.

We’ll leave all the information here or, you can check it out. And down below in the description and, you can find out more information. And sign up.

So that’s it that was our announcement um our course we working over six months six like plus months. And we’re really excited to finally be able to rizzo excited and. So yeah.

So thanks for reading and. We’ll see, you later bye bye happy travels. ?

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