Maine USA Map Geographical

Ski/lite Drive-In (llth Ave., Madawaska) I he single screen has single showings only. Rates are per person, and the snack bar features dough boys.

Maine USA Map Geographical Photo Gallery

The national park that is. Acadia National Park located mostlv on Mount Desert Island, a big chunk of Isle au Haut, a little on Baker Island, and a portion of The Schoodic Peninsula is the ninth most vis ited national park in the United States The 47,000 acre park contains many spectac ular sights, including the tallest mountain on the East Coast, wild scenic views, cliffs, wildlife, gardens, Thunder Hole, a museum, and a restaurant overlooking a pond.

A variety of travel methods will get you to the views. There are 45 miles of carriage roads that allow for bicycles, hikers, horses, and (rarely these days) carriages. Some restrictions apply on pets, horses, and bicycles on some of the roads. I he most popular road is the Park Loop Road, which, as its name suggests, loops the park with stops at all the popular points of interest. There are also numerous hiking trails within the park, with varying distances and difficulty levels.

Cadillac Mountain: Where you can see more than 100 miles to Mt. kaiahdin in the north and Nova Scotia in the east.

Sand Beach: One of the few true sand beaches this far north in Maine. Swim only if you dare, as the water rarely exceeds 55 degrees.

Little Hunters Beach: I he smooth rounded cobbles make the ocean sing as it washes in and out over the stones.

Otter Cliff: 110 vertical feet of stunning pink Cadillac granite.

Thunder Hole: When the waves are right they make a booming noise and spout water up to 40 feet.

Iordan Pond House: I he only restaurant in the park is famous for its popovers, chow der, and a great view of |ordan Pond.

Schoodic: This is on the quiet side, with staggering views of the rugged coast.

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