Montreal Map and Travel Guide

Flavors of Montreal Walking Tour

This post we’re going to learn about the history of Montreal through food. On the tour today we’re going to explore the Old Montreal and we’re going to do four stops to taste some food that are part of the history of Montreal. So this is a macaroon. The people in Montreal would call it a macron and it’s a fashion food. It’s super trendy these days. Lets see how it tastes. Hmm. So this street was the financial district of Canada at one point and it’s very cool. It’s covered in banks, you’ll see lots of really cool architecture. Just follow me. Pate Sometimes they have goose liver but usually it duck livers.

Montreal Map and Travel Guide Photo Gallery

It’s a tradition that comes from the Egyptian. Okay it’s 2000 years ago that it was invented. Enjoy them they’re very good. So This is a cheddar cheese. It was actually made here in Quebec and they make actually 350 different kinds of artisanal cheeses here every year. So all of the flavors of ice cream you’ll find here are the normal flavors but they’re actually made with maple syrup instead of sugar. So let’s see how it tastes. I really enjoyed learning how food is connected to culture on our walk through Old Montreal. Now I’ve got my maple cookies, it’s time to hit the road.

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