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I. Monk of Iona and later bishop of Lindisfarne – II. Irish poets. I. Monk of Iona and later bishop of Lindisfarne. There are more than one Irishman with this name of which we have information and some compositions. The first is Colmanus, monk of Iona and later bishop of Lindisfarne, an island on the E coast in the North Sea. Bede mentions him in the Ecclesiastical History of the English People 3,25ff., in connection with the controversy on the observance of Easter and on other rules of ecclesiastical life, in which those who followed Roman practice opposed those who followed Celtic. At the Synod of Whitby 664 Colmanus supported the Celtic tradition, which went back to the quartodeciman observance of Johannine tradition, against Wilfrid, who promoted Roman observance. The synod ended with the Roman party’s victory; Colmn left Britain and returned to Ireland to the small island of Inisboufinde, where he founded two monasteries for monks he had brought with him, one for the Scots and one for the English at Muig ©o. The Irish bishop’s discourses, reported by Bede, are important evidence in favor of the cultural identity of the local churches. Bischoff sees this Colmanus as the author of the Letter to Feradach, preserved in a 9th-c. Brussels MS BR, MS 5649-67 ff. 186-187v. Inc.: Dilectissimo et eruditissimo filio Feradacho Colmanus in which mention is made of the textual critical work done by the community, aimed at correcting the manuscripts in their possession based on multa scripta librorum exemplaria which ad nos a Romanis pervenerint. In particular, Sedulius Scottus’s Carmen paschale was the object of detailed textual notes.

Jamaica was a hotbed due to the presence of escaped slaves, known as maroons, from the former Spanish plantations. Newark Map Tourist Attractions Maroons were rebels hiding in the mountains and providing sanctuary for escapees from the English plantations. Jamaica was unusual; more commonly, there were fewer hiding places and no outlaws to provide support. Relative peace was the case in Barbados, Antigua, and St. Kitts and Nevis. In Guyana, the first slaves were brought by Dutch settlers and traders in the early seventeenth century. Although the Dutch never developed extensive plantations, they took the slave trade from the Portuguese in the 1630s. The edge was only temporary, with the French and English vying for the trade in the 1640s, and Danes, Swedes, and Germans also entering the trade. The largest traders in the eighteenth century were the British, Portuguese, and French. Slavery in Guyana was typically field slavery, which meant long hours along with inadequate clothing, shelter, and food. Slaves received little medical attention, and they were often punished severely and exploited sexually. Slavery was a lifetime status, changeable only by death, running away, or manumission. In 1825, Demerara-Essequibo had only forty-four manumitted slaves and a slave population nearing 72,000. Berbice had eleven in a slave population of 21,000.

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