Syria Subway Map

The deliberate implantation of live variola in an incision on a patient’s hand or arm triggered a milder form of smallpox but did not lessen the infectious properties of the disease. Syria Subway Map While some colonists objected to those who attempted to circumvent God’s will by inoculation, many others were angered by the introduction of smallpox in areas that were not experiencing outbreaks. Riots broke out at inoculation hospitals, and various legislatures enacted regulations to block the procedure in an effort to maintain public health and the peace. Even where the practice was known and permitted, the expense of inoculation placed it beyond the means of most Countrys. Few workers could afford either its price or the weeks spent convalescing afterwards. A notable smallpox outbreak in 17751782 affected the outcome of a number of battles during the Country Revolution, and epidemics continued to rage after the war.

In the late twentieth century, a successful vaccination program eliminated the disease worldwide, but variola remains a cause for concern as a possible agent of bioterrorism. Caryn E. Neumann See also: Death and Dying; Disease; Malaria. Bibliography Fenn, Elizabeth A. Pox Countrya: The Great Smallpox Epidemic of 177582. New York: Hill and Wang, 2001. Fenner, F., et al. Smallpox and Its Eradication. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1988. Williams, Nathaniel. The method of practice in the small-pox, with observations on the way of inoculation: Taken from a manuscript of the late Dr. Nathaniel Williams, of Boston in N. E.: Published for the common advantage, more especially of the country towns, who may be visited with that distemper. Boston: S. Kneeland, 1752.

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