Tokyo Full Day Tour with Meiji Shrine Asakusa Temple and Tokyo Bay Cruise

This post we’re doing the Panoramic Tokyo Day Tour to see the very best of what this city has to offer, starting off with the Meiji Shrine. Before you enter, you can stop and purify yourself for the shrine. We happened upon a traditional wedding ceremony here in the shrine. Meiji Shrine is surrounded by a massive forest of a 120 thousand evergreen trees, making it a peaceful oasis in the heart of modern Tokyo.

Tokyo Full Day Tour with Meiji Shrine Asakusa Temple and Tokyo Bay Cruise Photo Gallery

This is the Asakusa Temple, which is a Buddhist temple, and one of the most popular and colorful in all of Tokyo. The Temple even has its very own shopping street with tons of stalls , and there’s lots of snacks. I think I should get a bite to eat. I’m gonna get a bean jam and bun. Hmm, the inside is all pumpkin flavor. The beautiful Nijubashi Bridge sits at the entrance of the Imperial Palace, which is the residency of the Emperor of Japan.

The cherry blossoms are so beautiful when they’re in bloom. In fact, they’re the national flower of Japan. From Prada to Tiffany to Burberry, Ginza District is home to the high-end shopping of Tokyo. We’ve covered a lot of ground so far, so lunch has come at a very nice time, starting off with a glass of wine and a beautiful view.

We’ve had lunch, now it’s time to hop onto a boat and head out into the bay. We really are getting a panoramic view of Tokyo today, because we’ve been exploring inside the city, now we’re out on the water looking back in on the skyline, and it’s beautiful. I’ve had such a wonderful day exploring Tokyo. And what a perfect way to finish it off here in Odaiba, with a lovely view of the Rainbow Bridge.

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