Best Xmas Travel Destinations

Best Xmas Travel Destinations

Well, while being a teacher at a high school in the borough of Scarborough in Metropolitan Toronto, I moonlighted at night. Afterwards, before going home, I would drop in at Ramada Inn’s disco to catch the last show of a platinum recording band out of the USA.

This was where I met my wife’s sister who became my dance partner. I told her my plan to publish the magazine; and, she told me her sister had split with her husband and could help me; so, she introduced me to her; and, the rest is history.

What happened to my Barbadian wife, you ask? Well, she finally divorced me, saying that she had never loved me; that she had had a boyfriend who was on a sports scholarship in the USA when her mother forced her to consent to marry me on December 31, 1966.

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Truthfully, a major reason why I had urged her to decide that we leave Barbados in 1970 was that I thought that living in a strange country would somehow bring us closer together; and, that having children would help the marriage to survive; but, it didn’t.

Undermining our bumpy marriage in Canada was the bad influence her envious new found Barbadian friends had on her. I swore they wanted to reduce our relationship to the turbulent state of their own.

I brought it to her attention several times; but, they played her; and, she paid me no heed. The rest, as I said before, is history.

Barbara and I had a great wedding in a Presbyterian church. It was followed by a memorable reception held in a popular rented hall in the bustling city of North York.

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