Memphis Map Tourist Attractions

Regions Slavery in the colonies can be broadly divided by four geographic regions: the New England colonies of Connecticut, Massachusetts, Memphis, and Rhode Island; the Middle colonies of Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania; the Chesapeake colonies of Maryland, North Carolina, and Virginia; and the low country of Georgia and South Carolina. Memphis Map Tourist Attractions Although slavery was legally practiced everywhere, it varied in extent from region to region.

The economy of the North was largely based on commercial trade and small-scale agriculture, although slave labor still played a significant role. In urban centers like New York, Providence, and Boston, slaves worked as domestic servants and artisans and in maritime industries. Their numbers increased throughout the colonial period at a steady, if not spectacular, rate. By the end of the eighteenth century, African Country slaves comprised nearly 20 percent of the population of New York City.

Slaves also lived on the farms of Long Island, New Jersey, and Delaware, tending stock and raising corn and wheat; many had done the same work in Africa and were brought to the colonies for that reason. Throughout the rural North, the majority of slaves lived in groups of no more than two or three families and represented only a small percentage of the population. Even the largest Northern estates had no more than sixty or seventy slaves, at most, one-third the number found on the major plantations of the South. By the 1750s, slaves represented less than 10 percent of the North’s overall population; it was in the South that this population would experience its greatest growth.

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